Position Summary: The Shawl House Coordinator, is a member of the interdisciplinary team which oversees the day-to-day program operations of The Shawl House. The Shawl House Coordinator provides direct support to families and front line staff and will assist in the direction and support of program philosophies. The Shawl House Coordinator provides supervision and evaluation to all front line staff members and contractors. The Shawl House Coordinator is accountable to the IAFE Supervisor, as well as the Executive Director of ACFSS.
Key Roles and Responsibilities: • Development of a trusting and therapeutic relationship with clients; • Teaching living skills and social skills through role modeling of appropriate behavior and able to assess client deficits and strengths and use systematic plans of instruction, teaching methods and approaches to transfer information and skill to clients; • Assist clients with the development and maintenance of problem solving skills; • Activity planning that involves clients in groups that meetthe recreational, educational and or therapeutic needs; • Providing guidance and support to frontline staff members; • Counseling skills that utilize problem-solving, de-escalation, goal-setting and preventative interventions with clients in either a 1:1 or group scenario; • Administrative and file maintenance; • Remain within the "Scope of Practice" of Child and Youth Care Workers; • Providing all clients with a sense of safety, acceptance and nurturing; • Ensuring all financial and payroll information is submitted to ACFSS Director for approval, and then Finance Officer for processing.
Qualifications and Requirements: • Social Work diploma (and/or competency based equivalencies); • Three (3) years related front-line and/or supervisory experience; • Strong interpersonal skills that bridge the distance with individuals that may have a resistance • To relationships, different morals/values and alternative lifestyle choices; • Non-judgmental manner; • Strong personal boundaries; • Demonstrates good writing and communication skills; • Knowledge and understanding of theCree culture, language, beliefs and traditions • Class 5 Driver's License with Driver's Abstract • Clear Criminal Record Check and CYIM Check
HOW TO APPLY: Please fax or email Cover Letter, Resume, Criminal Record Check, CYIM, 3 references and relevant documents to: Akamihk Child and Family Services Society
Attention: Human Resources - Kendra Johnson Fax: 780-585-3066 Email: Kendra.Johnson@akamihkcfss.ca
Please note that only candidates short listed for an interview will be contacted. ACFSS wishes to thank all candidates applying for the position.
